Friday, April 24, 2009

fond memories of my curious mind

I'm really correct on my suspicion that this summer will be one hell of a bore for me, so I prepared myself and bought a couple of books that i can devour on so that boredom will not kill me.The thing is I'm such a big dumbass because truth be told I have become addicted to the internet just as much as those DOTA boys or whatever you may call it type of I have become an internet junkie too.

Anyway i just reminisced the times when I was still a child, I;m so engrossed in reading stuff that catches my interest wheter it be about ancient egyptians,greeks,mythologies,trivias and the likes I even remembered getting an encyclopedia and searched for zeus' family tree that's how curious I am as a child.

but now i'm wrecked, it all started in my pre-adolescent years arggghh I started to have interest in teeny booper magazines gah! that did nothing but poisoned my mind about ideologies on how i can hook my crushes like fishes to my bait it makes me wanna barf.

HOW i wish i can caught my curiosity back i swear i will never let it slip away again ever.